Christian Attitudes to Work

Christian Attitudes to Work

Topic 4.1 – Reasons Why People Work

Why Do People Work?

Topic 4.2 – People Have Different Gifts to Help Them Work

God’s Purpose for Us

God has created Christians to live a life that pleases Him, and He has prepared good deeds for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

Work for Food

We must work to provide for ourselves. (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12) Some people, like the elderly or small children, cannot work and need support.

Special Callings

Spiritual Gifts

Christians are given gifts for specific work in the Church and society. (Ephesians 4:11-12, Romans 12:4-8)

Parable of the Talents

We are entrusted with talents (gifts and abilities) and must use them wisely. (Matthew 25:14-30)

Topic 4.3 – Reasons for Work as Found in the Bible

Work was part of God’s plan from the beginning:

God told man to subdue the earth and take care of it. (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:15)

Work as a Blessing

Having work can be a sign of God's blessing. Unemployment may be a sign of judgment. (Zechariah 8:9-12)

Bible Teachings on Work

Christian Purposes for Work in the New Testament

Topic 4.4 – All Workers Should be Respected

Respect for all workers:

In Zambia, some workers (like unskilled workers, house servants, and charcoal burners) may not be respected, but the Bible teaches respect for all work.

Jesus was a carpenter:

Jesus was despised in Nazareth because He worked as a carpenter. The Bible commands us to work with our hands and not look down on manual labor. (Ephesians 4:28, 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 2 Thess

Christian attitude to work:

The Christian should aim to earn respect, regardless of the job, by working with integrity and a good attitude.

Topic 4.5 – Conflicts Over Work Values

Biblical Teaching on the Exploitation of Workers:

A worker deserves their pay: Workers should be paid fairly for their labor. (Luke 10:7)

Exploitation of workers is wrong:

Wages and Salaries:

In Zambia, wages are set by the government and agreed upon by trade unions. Changes to wages are made by the Public Service Commission, which is appointed by the government.

Christians should stand for fair and just salaries.


Disputes between employers and employees are common. (1 Peter 2:18 and Luke 3:14)

Topic 4.6 – Attitudes to Work in Zambia Today

Different Attitudes towards Work:

Topic 4.7 – Attitudes towards Work in Christianity and Other Religions

Zambian Tradition:

In traditional Zambian society, everyone was expected to work, from childhood to adulthood, with guidance in the early years. As people grew older, they were expected to take on more responsibility. Neglecting work could lead to a lack of food and shelter.


The Bhagavad-Gita (Ch. 3:8) teaches that work is superior to idleness, and without work, even the maintenance of the body is impossible. Work is seen as a source of happiness.


The Quran commands people to work and does not disrespect manual labor. Prophet Muhammad encountered a man who only prayed and relied on others for food. The Prophet said Allah would bless the man’s brothers, who were providing for him.


The Christian attitude to work should include: